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Public News Post #19635

On Eleusis and Targossas

Written by: Aktillum Rousseau, Maniacal Despot of the CIJ
Date: Tuesday, February 17th, 2015
Addressed to: Everyone


I speak to you today not as the leader of the CIJ, but as a humble Eleusian soldier, supportive of his leadership's decision to burn bridges with Targossas. Allow me to tell you a story.

Many years ago, I was a citizen of Shallam. A Priest, in fact, and a member of the Order of Lady Miramar, the fallen Goddess of Justice. I was awake when Shallam was destroyed, when it sunk into the ocean. Along with the rest of the former Shallamese, I sought refuge in a small chapel in New Hope. There we sat, for many long years, waiting for a new direction on the path of Good.

During those years, there was an excitement abuzz in the air. Shallam's problems were known to many, and this was a chance to start anew. The reality, however, was that like a child who sticks his hand into a fire after being burned once before, this group of refugees chose to follow nearly the exact same path as before.

Whether or not Targossas was built over nature, and whether or not that nature was Divinely built and therefore is not a true part of Nature, is up for others to debate. What is not debatable, however, is that hubris is what kept that band of refugees together. It was hubris that kept the refugees huddled together inside a small chapel, anxiously waiting for the Divine to do their work for them. It was hubris that led them to populate a new city, after seeing how easily a city can crumble. It was hubris that caused them to choose nearly the same leadership as Shallam's, despite all the talk of a new beginning.

After seeing so many follies, I chose the only logical path - to return to nature, to the comforts of the forest. When Shallam fell, I realized that no man-made construct is immune to disaster. That what is built over centuries can be destroyed in a single day. I realized that nature provides all the shelter a person needs, and that even if nature is destroyed, it rejuvenates of its own accord. It does not stand around waiting for Gods to give it new purpose.

Targossas may not have had any ill-feelings towards Eleusis priorly, and may even speak of how Nature and Creation are one and the same. Targossas' very existence, however, is testament to how mankind refuses to learn from its mistakes. When we die, the earth shall inherit our bodies, and return us to dust. Why seek to dominate Nature, and build over her with towering constructs, when she provides everything you need for survival?

I invite any and all Targossians to abandon their luxuries and comforts, abandon their urbanic lifestyle, and experience life the way it was made to be lived - amongst the trees and animals of the forest, one with nature.

Aktillum, a Ranger of Eleusis

Penned by my hand on the 19th of Mayan, in the year 676 AF.

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