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Public News Post #19646

Celebrating a successful gala launch

Written by: Jurixe S. Nithilar
Date: Sunday, March 8th, 2015
Addressed to: Everyone


The Asterian Restoration wishes to thank those that attended the gala opening of the Asterian Athenaeum on the 10th of Ero. It was a momentous occasion for celebration and we are pleased that you made the effort to join us. Special thanks also to the scholar Loora and Lara, Keeper of the Scrolls, for their attendance.

Brand new facilities such as the Hall of Visionaries, the Chamber of Discovery and the Asterian Observatory were unveiled this month, joining the Theatron Meropian and the Ingram Cairo Memorial Library as public features of the Athenaeum. Further expansions and additions are in the works as we speak.

Also launched was the Historical Seleucar image exhibition, the first of its kind, which highlights historical landmarks relating to the ancient Seleucarian Empire upon the continent of Meropis. Do visit the mezzanine reading area of the Athenaeum to learn more about the glorious empire that was, and - if you wish - attempt to visit these locations in person, which we have marked with posters.

We of the Asterian Restoration also wish to extend our sincere appreciation to those who have seen fit to contribute to our cause, namely the following individuals and organisations thus far:

Lord Daeir Wintermourne, on behalf of the Harbingers of Redemption
Lady Skye B. Anchors, Tempest of Neraeos
Kei Ashaela-Greywards
Acolyte Ast, Advocate of Strength
Melodie Le'Murzen, Vindicator of Faith

All of the aforementioned have officially joined us as part of the Restoration, and we hope to see more follow suit. Both scholarly and monetary contributions are welcomed, no matter how small or large, and different privileges are associated with varying contribution levels - speak to a Founder for further information.

This is the beginning of a new era.

With regards,

Jurixe S. Nithilar
representing the Asterian Restoration

Penned by my hand on the 20th of Ero, in the year 678 AF.

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