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Public News Post #19669

On Purity of Creation

Written by: Tensei Orzaansyn, Archfiend of the Cathedral
Date: Friday, April 24th, 2015
Addressed to: Marisella Yuridja-Keyte, Manipulator of the Chaparral

Dear sister,

I am very glad that you took the time to remind everyone with the basics of your Faith, and I personnaly agree with the vast majority of your points, which certainly strikes the heart of all the misguided ones that we, Mhaldorians, call Heathens. Arrogance, greed and selfishness are fitting ways to describe them, when it does not come to mere idiocy and laziness.

As you stated, their fall is unavoidable.

Unfortuantely, if we may agree upon it - and alike I would not dare to contest what you despratly try to teach the ignorant masses about Nature - I equally believe that you, aswell as the whole Village you belong to, are misguided in your beliefs.

As the Lord teaches, the purpose of Sentient Species are not to live in harmony with Nature, but to aim for the Purity of the Divine. If you perfectly describe the Cycle of Life, our sole purpose is nontheless to find Enlightment, to rise above and break this Circle and to transcend it.

Nature is only Creation in its raw, impure state, and it is Mortals duty to remove impurity in Creation.

There is no balance, there is only the Lord. The Seven Truths of Evil are the only way to save Creation, with the advent of Atrocity as epitom. Misunderstood by many, the term Atrocity may be a synonym for "world peace", but this does not convey its full intent or significance. It also may be understood as "widespread propagation", but it means more than simply spreading or propagating a religious doctrine.

For us as practitioners, Atrocity is the ultimate goal of our Faith: the transformation of the world to perfection, and the establishment of lasting peace through the spread of Lord Sartan's teachings, purifying mortals to reveal their inherent Enlightened nature.

As you ask people to lift the blindfolds from themselves, I would ask you, too, along anyone reading these lines, to see the reality of this world through the webs crafted before your eyes, and beyond the narrow views you have been taught.

If you wish to become complete, you must embrace a larger view of life itself.

Tensei Orzaansyn,
Archfiend of the Cathedral

Penned by my hand on the 6th of Miraman, in the year 682 AF.

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