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Public News Post #19704

Aoghinius' misguided beliefs

Written by: Aktillum Rousseau, Retired Maniacal Despot
Date: Wednesday, July 15th, 2015
Addressed to: Everyone


It has come to my attention that you are erroneously declaring a "political victory" for Hashan, following my stepping down
from CIJ leadership. You believe I was "deposed" from leadership, a direct quote from your post to Hashan's boards . I anticipated this sort of imbecilic gloating, and my amusement at your predictability knows no bounds. Allow me to dissuade you from your lunacy.

Hashan attempted rather feebly to blackmail the CIJ, stating that CIJ members would be banned from Hashan if I did not step down. I never once considered these ridiculous demands, and the entire House agreed with me, asking me not to step down. I was truthfully considering stepping down some time before this little attempt at blackmail, but I held on to the leadership position just a while longer, simply to spite you.

I stepped down from CIJ leadership entirely willingly and of my own accord. I was never contested or deposed, nor once asked to consider stepping down by the House. I had the full support of all CIJ members in whatever course I took. I stepped down because I firmly believe in passing the torch when you've finished your job, and you can proudly look at the organization you've built up. Unlike the council you belong to, I do not believe in clinging to power long past the expiration date, and doing absolutely nothing significant or worthwhile during that time. Perhaps it is out of sheer jealousy that you despise me so - in the 20 years I was CIJ leader, I made the House a wildly popular destination for novices and significantly expanded our ranks. Meanwhile two of Hashan's own Houses, the Merchants and the Serpentlords, have long deserted your walls. The rest would be wise to follow their footsteps.

If you could see past your own nose, Aoghinius, you would realize what I say to be true. But of course, you will cling to any shred of "victory" no matter how wrong those claims may be, to boost your ego and continue living in a dream world where you are not puny and insignificant in the grand scheme of things. The CIJ may be a circus, but it is you who is the real clown.

Aktillum, the Retired Maniacal Despot

Penned by my hand on the 3rd of Chronos, in the year 688 AF.

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