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Public News Post #19717


Written by: Dawnlord Dannyl Maynard
Date: Thursday, August 20th, 2015
Addressed to: The City of Ashtan

Citizens of Ashtan,

Throughout your history, you have always claimed to be a city of Freedom. Indeed, from the rainbow-eyed whore who dominated Northern life for so long, to your current Overseer, your government has attempted to fool you into believing this lie. We who know Truth have always seen past this, but finally, even those most foolish amongst you will no longer be ignorant to your city's purpose. You serve Chaos, openly, for the first time.

It's come to my attention that many among you are having doubts - let me be the first to tell you, those doubts hold weight. Chaos is unnatural to Creation. It manipulates, twists and erodes everything it comes into contact with. Chaos is a wholly destructive force, and if allowed it will eradicate everything you cherish in this world.

Those of us who serve Good know this, and this is why we selflessly live our lives in opposition to those who would see Creation ended for their own selfish, temporal gain. We must, now more than ever, strengthen our resolve and stand firmly against Chaos - against Ashtan.

This is why, citizens of Ashtan, the Dawnspear is offering a one-time indemnification for any who will leave the so-called Bastion and stand with us against Chaos. Furthermore, should you not wish to join our holy cause, simply turning your back on those who serve Chaos will earn you protection within Targossas, should you seek it.

We understand that leaving behind your home, or what you thought was your home, is not a decision to make in a day. But we have always known, and you are now learning, that the right thing to do is very rarely easy. A life of service is demanding, and much will be expected of you if you take up this offer. We are not a city of Freedom, but nor will we ever claim to be: we live a life of dedication in service to Them, and we are thankful for all They have given us.

Together, we can unite under the banner of Good and stand against the armies of Chaos. Together, we can see Creation preserved.

For any partakers, you will seek out the Herald of Redemption, Aodfionn Wintermourne, so that you might be cleansed. For a more familiar face, you will seek out Eminence Kiba Van Helsing, who just recently called you citymate. They will lead Targossas in this effort.

In service, always,

Dannyl Maynard

Dawnlord of Targossas

Penned by my hand on the 12th of Lupar, in the year 691 AF.

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