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Public News Post #19768

The Guardians of Moghedu - A Warning

Written by: Tyrannus Xinna Dracrotalus, Dread Legate
Date: Friday, November 20th, 2015
Addressed to: Ensign Elowin Devi

Foolish Mhun,

Unfortunately, I do not generally bother reading drivel spewed on these boards. Thus, your news post missed my attention until reports of your assaults upon my Master's soldiers reached me directly. As you surely know, Mhaldor and Moghedu are at war, and have been for ages. Your stance in defense of Mhaldor's martial enemy is noted, and it comes with a price.

I write as a warning to you: Mhaldor does not take kindly to interference with our military endeavours. If you stand as soldiers for Moghedu and choose to strike at our own soldiers without warning, we shall retaliate in kind. Your so-called "Guardians" will be rent, limb from limb by the soldiers of Baelgrim. And certainly, you will wish you did not take up such a banner.

As an aside, I do wonder who allowed a Targossian to take charge of the so-called Guardians of Moghedu and declare Moghedu's own leader, the Mhunna, unworthy of protection. Surely, the Mhuns living within Moghedu would oppose such a determination. But I suppose it is of little importance to me. Such is the outcome in weak societies that must constantly cater to outsiders for survival.

Let the blood spill, and the war drums sound.

In His service,

Xinna Dracrotalus
Tyrannus of Mhaldor
Dread Legate

Penned by my hand on the 13th of Sarapin, in the year 699 AF.

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