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Public News Post #19897


Written by: Khalasian Wanderer, Asmodron Dicondron
Date: Friday, October 14th, 2016
Addressed to: Everyone

People of Sapience,

An ancient enemy has returned, the enemy of our forefathers. What once resources and power we had through the Empire is gone. There is no Nicator to save us, there is no Empire to stand behind. We are but fractured sparks of power compared to the beacon that was Seleucar, and even Seleucar nearly fell to the Black wave. We are at a massive disadvantage.

Yet even so, we kill and battle one another endlessly, drunk upon greed, egos and zealotry. You do battle and fight like fiends for the wrong cause. Do you believe your Gods will save us? You have become lax with your faulty worship. The Gods cannot fight this battle for us, this is a battle of the races, admittedly with one race having a superior advantage. Even when you restore your cherished Shrines, the gods will -not- fight this battle. You take up the time and resources of one another as you do battle, while the Tsol'teth laugh at your actions. They see the ease and advantage of conquering a fractured land, compared to the trial that Seleucar once posed.

Cease your waste of resources and focus on the bigger picture. Look to the weakness of our foe and drive a spear into it, not into one another.

To the villages and towns of Sapience:

Many of you are currently overwhelmed with the amaranthine fog of the Tsol'teth, and while several of us do what we can to clear the land, I doubt we can be there all the time. If possible, evacuate and leave the presence of the fog. Head to the Major cities if you desire, for now they seem to be the safest of locations.

Penned by my hand on the 22nd of Miraman, in the year 725 AF.

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