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Public News Post #5785


Written by: Conduit Eleanor Junakutz-Lionheart
Date: Thursday, November 27th, 2014
Addressed to: Everyone

People of Sapience!

If you check your star-chart, you'll see that one of those rare years where Celesmas happens is coming up. Now, as we all know, Celesmas is a time of cussing and kidnapping, but it's also a time when we eat a real lot and exchange gifts. I'm interested in the latter two, and I've decided to have a bit of fun with them.

FIRST OF ALL: I'm doing the thing again where I have a contest for cooking. One of the most traditional gifts at Celesmas is a snowflake-shaped cookie, and I'd love to work with some of you to make some new cookies for the season. Anyone can enter, just write me a letter with how the cookie should be (HELP COOKING has guidelines and you can send me a message for an example if you're lost). Everyone who sends me a usable design will get a small gift of credits, and I'll choose some favourites to give a heftier gift to as well. The designs will be made and available for everyone to buy in my shops.

SECONDLY: Gifts. Lots of them. I feel like sending out a lot of small presents, every month leading up to Celesmas. If you'd like to get a little something in the mail every month in the lead-up, it's pretty simple. I'm not interested in payment in gold or credits, but if you send me some kind of gift and I like it, I'll add you to the list of people I'm sending things to. Simple and a bit of fun! Once again, anyone can join in with this, and I do promise that folk from Enorian and Duiran needn't fear that their gifts would be inappropriate. Anyone's welcome and I'm keeping this friendly.

Feel free to contact me with questions if you have them regarding anything posted here!

In service,

Penned by my hand on the 2nd of Lleian, in the year 435 MA.

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