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Public News Post #5833

You are a lier

Written by: Lady Caitlin
Date: Saturday, February 7th, 2015
Addressed to: Moirean Seirath

Little Imp,

You appear to be either extremely inebriated or mildly mentally lacking
or just both if you think that sprouting such utter garbage every few
months will save you from your own failings as a leader. We all know the
truth, we all know your lies and stupidity is only bury you deeper in
your own filthy Imp. Perhaps time you spoke the truth for a change
before you find more of your own guild turning on you and leaving
begging we aid them. Honestly, you hide behind the Carnifex flinging
half-truths hoping you will not get caught out. Yet you have been. You
ordered the Carnifex to leave the Houses or risk removal from the guild.
You ordered they join Aldrics little group so you could feed your ego
and now you pretend it was never said. This was never about the guild
Imp this was about your own narcissistic needs and what will gratify you
until the next time you wake in a pool of your own alcohol-fuelled

To the Carnifex I say this look for a new leader who thinks of the guild
first and not themselves. This little imp has dragged you all into her
web of deceit. She used you. She twisted words and when confronted tried
to hide by creating new and even more elaborate lies. Her greatest being
that your guild is the target here. Yet if you just look at it all with
some clarity, you will see this was never about the Dread knights in the
first place it was about her. She just panicked and had to cover it up
because she cannot face the reality of the matter.

Good luck to you Imp, you will need it given all your lies are falling
in around you like a house of cheap cards.

Penned by my hand on the 5th of Chakros, in the year 441 MA.

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