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Public News Post #5851

The Aechrian Coil

Written by: Kull Ervenn
Date: Monday, April 20th, 2015
Addressed to: Everyone

Citizens of the Sapience,

Your efforts in the Dramedo are commendable and we, of the Research Society, are pleased to share some of our more progressive discoveries once again. Your work in the past has been quite fruitful and I feel that this is a perfect development for your cities to work towards as you make your forays into the wild frontier of our lands.

The schematic itself will cost 500,000 of your sovereigns and is sold by the researcher that has been assigned to assist your cities. The actual creation, blessed be its name, of the Aechrian Coil (so fashioned after the spiraling insight and machinations of the most blessed Aechros) will cost 5,000 iron; 5,000 obsidian; and 1,000,000 ylem to create the construct itself upon your pylon. This Coil will extend the power of your pylons, allowing them to relay to the pylons upon our continent, and allow communication between our two lands.

The chanceries of Sapience within Delve, of course, will be a focal point for these creations to link to our own pylons. Once the Coil is constructed, you may find a portal established before your pylon that will lead to these chanceries and allow you better egress to our lands.

The village of Helba has recently established a rudimentary pylon of their own design to faciliate communication easier with Delve and, of course, your Sapience lands. I will forewarn you, however, that Helba lies on the very fringe of our territory and is constantly under attack from slavers, bandits, and other.. unsavory things that we leave to our more intrepid friends in the mountains.

If the pylon of Helba were to fall, communication would fail and we would be at, as they say, square one once again. The same, I am afraid to say, applies to our own pylons and your own. Defend your pylons, Sapience. The Drakkenmont forces desire them perhaps now more than ever.

I look forward to seeing what developments the intrepid researchers and astute scholars of Sapience discover in the years to come with our most magnanimous aid.

Penned by my hand on the 23rd of Variach, in the year 447 MA.

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