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Public News Post #5866

Paithan I find your recent posts very amusing. You claimed not to be involved in the theft. Yet we both know it was you and Macavity who planned to disband the House. It was in fact all of us who decided to rob the house of the 1.7 million gold. So just, admit it. You took near one million and I my own cut. I accepted my punishment for the theft, I embraced it like a man whilst you hid in your coffin for decades praying it will be forgotten. To the city of Bloodloch you have a thief in your ranks who has stolen from others in the past not just the House he was meant to serve, but from individuals. He has tricked many before, be wary of him and I hope he repays the gold. And Neoma? Tsk. True Bouchard? How interesting. -Shinji.

Written by: Shinji
Date: Sunday, June 7th, 2015
Addressed to: Everyone

Paithan I find your recent posts very amusing. You claimed not to be
involved in the theft. Yet we both know it was you and Macavity who
planned to disband the House. It was in fact all of us who decided to
rob the house of the 1.7 million gold. So just, admit it. You took near
one million and I my own cut. I accepted my punishment for the theft, I
embraced it like a man whilst you hid in your coffin for decades praying
it will be forgotten.

To the city of Bloodloch you have a thief in your ranks who has stolen
from others in the past not just the House he was meant to serve, but
from individuals. He has tricked many before, be wary of him and I hope
he repays the gold.

And Neoma? Tsk. True Bouchard? How interesting.


Penned by my hand on the 20th of Slyphian, in the year 450 MA.

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