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Public News Post #5893

Dear Hayim.

Written by: Inquisitor Aarbrok Furor
Date: Thursday, September 10th, 2015
Addressed to: Everyone


You and Your God have no ruling over Myself, Mortalkind, nor any expression presented by free will. You, yourself are no more than a priest of a small faction of faith devout to speak of His word and nobody elses, no more than I was formerly to that which I speak of. I expressed in full truth the knowledge and as such I have little reason nor obligation to change, nay...skew any words in representation, as you so passionately preach of your Lord and all his acceptance of flaws then so I shall demonstrate one of mine...and that flaw is standing up to a more powerful adversary for what I firmly believe in.

There as noted in your passionate plea of protection is only your Lords suspicion of Her nature, Her affiliation. To counter my points with what you suspect is just as much hypocrisy as your flawed attempts to challenge what I speak of full of knowledge and experience as Her former trusted advisor. You speak in circles in a fevered attempt to cover up some deeper meaning, something laden with some sort of incomprehensible insanity forged to a deep bond somewhere between your Lord and this Goddess. Something that reeks of protection and suspicion because there is something either He is witholding of Her and His relationship, though she seems hardly mortal enough from my examination.

Why does your lord feel this need to protect her, is it because She has proven inept at her job and His watchful eye has decided Her feeble efforts must be sanctioned to produce some sort of validity for a power She does not deserve.

Such a silly presentation you have made, putting yourself on a pedestal above other mortals.

Silly priest, you are no better than any of us,

-Inquisitor Furor

Penned by my hand on the 2nd of Slyphian, in the year 453 MA.

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