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Events News Post #359

A Harlot Scorned

Written by: Anonymous
Date: Sunday, September 18th, 2016
Addressed to: Everyone

It was a quiet day, the 7th of Roarkian, when a vexed cry shattered an
otherwise still Skarch. Not long and these inhuman screeches were heard
all throughout the Basin, prompting the arrival of curious persons to an
oasis deep within the desert. Oberburgermeister Steingrim of Gaudiguch
was the first to arrive, taking a much deserved break from his many
duties to see just what all the ruckus was about. Upon finding the
distressed Madame Xith as she stomped about in a fit of rage, he was
quick to take up her cause  a plot for vengeance against the man who
wronged her: Noth Iborchi.

Nil hath no fury like a harlot scorned...

With tears in her eyes, she explained that her lover Noth had turned her
away, claiming that she was now too old for him. There were whispers,
she said, whispers that he had taken up with a sun druid. Tlexala was
understandably upset. Steingrim was off before the sand had settled at
his boots, and shortly after Druidess Edith of Glomdoring stumbled upon
the tearful harlot as well. With joint effort, she and Steingrim worked
tirelessly, running from one end of the desert to the other, over
mountains, in search of what was needed to see Tlexala's plan complete.

Meanwhile Breandryn of Serenwilde, accompanied by her wolf companion,
had taken Tlexala aside, attempting to make her see reason while urging
her to forego this futile quest. Her encouraging words were met with
blind anger and hurt, an unreasonable Madame Xith determined to see Noth
pay no matter what. Unable to successfully calm the woman, Braendryn
called for assistance in the form of Talan Ysav'rai of Gaudiguch, who
arrived in all haste to see how she could help. Coins were exchanged,
and mention of brothels were made, though none of this diverted Tlexala
for long.

After scouring the desert for many things, some difficult to find in
winter months, Steingrim and Edith returned to Tlexala with success,
Steingrim undertaking the most daunting task: to seduce Noth. Donning
all that Tlexala gave him, he approached the two-timing dracnari,
successfully drawing his eye and in the end, securing Tlexala's revenge.
It is said no man has ever screamed as loudly as Noth when the deed was
done, nor has one looked so lovely as Steingrim as he avenged discarded
harlots everywhere.

Penned by My hand on the 8th of Roarkian, in the year 451 CE.

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