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Announce News Post #4411

Bugfixes - August 20

Written by: Tecton the Terraformer
Date: Thursday, August 20th, 2015
Addressed to: Everyone

Another batch of bugfixes has arrived, courtesy of the coding team! We hope you enjoy a smoother playing experience as a result! Enjoy!

* The same one-handed weapon can no longer be wielded in both hands when using auto-draw.
* Personal anvils should now work better when placed in the room with an existing forge.
* AB OCCULTISM KARMA and AB KARMA should now show the same output for all players.
* The Shaman CURSE <target> BLEED button in the Nexus client should now work properly.
* Carbon should now be inrifted when using INRIFT ALL, and will drop from inventory when logging out and dying.
* Mined rare minerals will now auto split from groups when trying to eat them.
* APPLYing Qwindorium and Silathyst rare minerals to squads will now split them from a group.
* Dragons biting a reflected target should now show more informative messages about the biting action.
* Singing should now more frequently have you singing any text that you provide, rather than defaulting to the SING emote.
* Elder Dragon DRAGONFORMing should now update Battlerage attack buttons in the Nexus client.
* The Priest Battlerage ability of "Harrow" has been renamed to "Desolation".
* CART actions now require the person to be on the ground.
* CARTs should now correctly return all of their items when they decay in all cases.
* CARVE/SPLINTER (Weaponmastery) now generate kai energy.
* SPIRITWALK (Spiritlore) willpower cost has been reduced.
* DEMON FORTIFY (Apostasy) will no longer have a chance to give Baalzdeens negative health.
* BATTLEFURY (Weaponmastery) focus balance will now work more consistently.
* Serverside curing will now respect broken arms/entanglement when trying to outrift sileris/quicksilver.
* Vials from globes will no longer show as priced in Mayan crowns when priced in player shops.
* Refining mining commodities will no longer take an extra coal in large groups.
* CLAIM STRONGHOLD STORAGE is no longer case sensitive.
* CLAIM STRONGHOLD STORAGE will no longer fail in the event of logging off or being disconnected.
* Miners can no longer exceed the mine limits by taking over additional mines.
* Mines and strongholds can no longer be attacked while phased.
* WEAR OUTFIT <outfit> ONLY will now work more consistently in the event of a conflict.
* SKULLCRUSH (Weaponmastery) will now prevent rebounding aura, like its behead and cleave brethren.
* ISAZ (Runelore) will not fire if the sketching Runewarden is prone.

Penned by My hand on the 16th of Lupar, in the year 691 AF.

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