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Public News Post #19339

Your post

Written by: Ovate Werin
Date: Saturday, January 4th, 2014
Addressed to: Mathonwy Corso

I see that I may have been slightly unclear in my post. I understand fully that for the actual enemies of Creation, those who seek its destruction or corruption or harm for personal or ideological reasons, logical debate will achieve nothing and the only solution is violence. I was speaking of those (who I suspect to be substantially more numerous than you realize) who do in fact seek the welfare of Creation (or at least preservation of their own part of it), and use (or simply permit the use of) Occultic practices out of a belief that they do not in fact threaten Creation. Regarding those individuals in particular, you would likely find reason to be of more use than violence.

As for your offer to visit Targossas and speak with its citizenry, I would not be averse to that; however, last I heard your city still had a policy against the presence of those, such as myself, who use the shamanic arts, regardless of whether they embrace Darkness (which I do not). Should that policy change, I may very well come and see if we can come to a better understanding of how to best protect Creation in all its wondrous variety and parts.

Penned by my hand on the 17th of Scarlatan, in the year 644 AF.

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