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Public News Post #19418

Friendlier Wisdom

Written by: Sentinel Fox, Sir Agrias de Feura, High Laureate
Date: Wednesday, April 9th, 2014
Addressed to: Hollo Tamashii

Your post is, at the very least, uneducated and trivial. That aside, you do raise some good points.

Come on, Targossas, can't you put centuries of mutual hostility and bloodshed aside and just embrace that which has been anathema to your very way of life and be 'buddies'? Also, feel free to cast out thoses in Targossas who continue to taunt and fuel the public ire with fuel of bitter regret and tragedy. I'm sure that the Lightbringer would be most keen to assist with diplomatic negotiations with Ashtan. They would only require the Bastion to give up rather trivial things, like Occultists and Chaos, and their entire way of life.

Hollo, please, think before you post in the future. Or at the very least, learn basic Achaean history. Dunno about you, but if I was writing ridiculous things that held no merit at all on the public boards, I would want to shinkick a giant.

This friendlier does of wisdom comes from Agrias de Feura.

(This posting has been written employing heavy methods of sarcasm for those who could not read it.)

Penned by my hand on the 12th of Mayan, in the year 651 AF.

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