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Public News Post #19510

A response to the Seneschal

Written by: Speaker Ravien Corten, Arcthyos
Date: Friday, July 25th, 2014
Addressed to: The City of Hashan


If my warning had gone unnoticed I would have been very much put out. Let me see if I can make myself clear.

I do not make a habbit of defaming Gods if. If I ever strike at one, it is with the due thought deserved and enough certainty to move forward. Not a careless whim. Such respect is warranted.

Ice is as much a part of nature as fire would be absolutely correct. Correct if it were the response of a youngling wandering around a forest having just been introduced to Nature and the elements. It is this kind of ignorance and lack of understanding that got you where you are. Nature runs deeper than you could possibly imagine and there are many factors to take into consideration.

Finally, do not assume that my original missive was made in fear of war dear, Seneschal. Eleusis is no stranger to war or combat. If it must be so, it must be so. We did not want to blame a whole City for the actions of a noted, and ranked, few. We were satisfied that severing all ties to Hashan would be sufficient. I made no attempt to frighten anyone into inaction. What I had every intention of doing was warning Hashan and it's Leaders what would happen should it be placed in the same position again. No frills, no sugar coating. When it comes to Nature and Eleusis I will act when necessary and how I see fit. Every word of that warning stands.

Ravien Corten
Speaker of Eleusis

Penned by my hand on the 15th of Ero, in the year 660 AF.

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