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Public News Post #19511

Your Imposition

Written by: Lord Vayne Trismegistus
Date: Friday, July 25th, 2014
Addressed to: Speaker Ravien Corten, Arcthyos

Speaker Ravien,

You claim the Seneschal only possesses an elemental knowledge of Nature's complexity. Relatively compared to the compounded knowledge you and your fellow villagers have garnered in your storied service to it, I must say I whole-heartedly agree with your assessment that he is but a mere seedling rebuking a mighty oak. I say this because in all your wisdom of Nature in all its complexity, even you were mistaken on just what was best for your beloved forests.

For whatever reason, you decided to support the Ice Mage Maklak initially. Perhaps it was in concern for the grave warnings against spectating or perhaps merely because of the aversion you have developed for fire over the centuries having seen the West set so much of your ward ablaze, but this much is clear, even you, Speaker and all your counselors, were unable to discern the best for Nature.

Even as you fought along side the likes of Ashtan and Mhaldor against Yudhisthira, he offered you a solution to the frost your liege was responsible for. Having ignored the dragon's offer, he in turn once more razed your precious forest for the slight. It was not until after this conflagration that you turned your allegiance from Ice to Fire.

With such reactive reasoning which ultimately lead you to swaying from one nature abusing wizard to another, how is it that in all your knowledge of the complexities of Nature that you feel you can stand in derision of the Crown for its purported lack of savvy on the matter, let alone its limited involvement. If anything Hashan's negligible involvement did far less harm to Nature than your bungling vacillations.

As to the matter of your warnings, quite simply, they are absurd. There may have been a time when Hashan would bend before the demands of foreign powers, but those days are long since past. The Dark is rising within the Crown, and it is preposterous for you or anyone else to think that Hashani will not stand beside their Patron and Founder and defend His interests.

It is as ridiculous as demanding Eleusis abandon its defense of its Lady at our behest. You have no right to demand such and it is tantamount to instigating conflict whether you chose to admit it or not. Nonetheless, you have placed us in this position, and in turn, you shall be responsible for the results.

In Service to the Crown,
Vayne Trismegistus

Penned by my hand on the 22nd of Ero, in the year 660 AF.

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