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Public News Post #19525

The Coming Tide

Written by: Magister Bellator Jinsun Ze'Dekiah, Twin-born Assassin
Date: Tuesday, September 2nd, 2014
Addressed to: High Mercator Siduri Azagnanna, the Phantom Asp

Dearest Siduri,

Foolish girl! It seems that, to you, insight or understanding are likened to your own presence- evasive. You?ve decided to turn a quip about the Cabals of old into a rant against a house of scholars. Oh, you poor, poor, pitiful mhun. Has your cave dwelling lineage left you lacking in comprehension? Clearly Talonia spoke to you, not merely in her standing as a member of the Great House of the Occultists, but as a priest of The Master of the Void. Although, you did address her as Babelite. Perhaps you just forgot who or what you were addressing?

First, I will point directly to this irony: you have heralded the Occultists as twisting and hiding the Truth? in response to a reminder from the Cult of Oblivion. Are you trying to confuse the average Sapient or are you just that stupid? It really is quite baffling, Siduri. In brief response, you can attempt to avoid or evade the tide of Chaos, yet, as a house built on stilts, you may survive the average tide, but the coming storm will sweep you away, obliterating you in it?s overwhelming current!

Next, we should indeed discuss libraries. It is no secret that our Great Library is closely guarded, and for good measure! How else may knowledge be kept free of the bias of zealotry?! Truly, Targossian, I know of your stack of books. On occasion, I have seduced a young Targossian or two, and had the entire lot brought to my ship for review, you know, just to have all available resources. I learned during that time that your books are very different than ours. You see, when perusing our Library, we attempt to keep books free of bias or viewpoint so that the scholar may well learn and research for their own needs or understanding. Any forwards are not additions to our texts but notes of the original authors. This is not the case in your city of torrid academia! The forward of The Enchiridion of Oblivion, for example urges and instructs followers on how they are to read, interpret and use the Enchiridion as a tool to combat Chaos.

How are your children supposed to move forward in open discourse and scholarship when they are told what a book is meant to be used for! The very thought is repugnant and obnoxious to a true scholar, and I am glad that my own texts escape the palms of a grubby little Mhun as yourself.

Now, to your gross mischaracterization of the Burning Times.

First, I think it is well enough to point out that Talonia never mentioned physical burning, but you seem bent on it so let us address us. You reference Sander as the grail of knowledge on the Burning Times, Did you know that there are many other texts that counter it with accounts of Occultists being burned, crucified, boiled, and shredded alive? Please child read before you speak. Pick up a copy of Burning Times by Alphid DeKempt. It specifically references the burning of Occultists. Also, look to the Many accounts of the Burning Times, brought to us Templar, Luminai, and by your own esteemed Eminient Master, Aldrien Ashen, they line up the locations and dates of the attacks. For a complete reading list, feel free to contact me. You?re not the only one who reads Siduri, you just don?t read enough.

Lastly, a reminder to Sapience: You have seen the students of the so-called Light. Their ineptitude is plain and laid bare before you. Take heed in it, do not fall prey to their lies. No Sapience, you will not be spared in the coming Oblivion. As a priest of Babel, myself, I assure you that these are not ill tidings! Allow the freedom from consequence to absolve you of all lies of morality and promise. Achaea, you have seen gods die and fall! Those who promise you safety and respite that They themselves cannot find, lie to you, children. Truly, the only sadness that will befall you will be mortal consequences should you aim to stop the march of the Armies of The Master. We will not make you the vague promises of Targossas, the Light and the Fire (telling)! There is no for us or against us theology. You do not have to aid us, and you will not be struck down for neutrality. Yet heed!

Those who aim to protect Creation will be washed asunder like the many grains of sand in our Perfect Tide!

In Truth,
Jinsun Ze?Dekiah, Priest of Babel

Penned by my hand on the 20th of Valnuary, in the year 663 AF.

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