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Public News Post #19536

The Bloodsworn Gods love

Written by: Malorn, the Shady Miscreant
Date: Thursday, September 18th, 2014
Addressed to: Aodfionn Molayian, Harbinger of Redemption


I will leave your delusions of the Bloodsworn gods loving you alone for the most part, though I suppose I cannot help commenting in brief. I concede that there exists a chance that they do truly care for you as more than a tool to be used and cast aside when the time comes. Though that makes one wonder why they do not deign to save you from your untimely demise time and again if they love you so unconditionally.

Instead, I would prefer to address the notion that the Bloodsworn Gods love Occultists. I must confess that at first glance this seems a rather preposterous claim, and looking more deeply only increases my incredulity. You claim that the Bloodsworn gods love occultists with a deep immeasurable love the same as any other mortal? The very same gods who now reign over Targossas and spread the very same hatred and violence towards me and my colleagues that Shallam did before?

I would very much question the claim that someone loved me if this very same person...

Approves of the burning of any knowledge or artifacts related to my studies and would see them actively wrested away.

Commanded an army of zealots with the intention of removing my head from my body.

Would incite hatred and fear and see me ostracized and outcast by all who follow them.

And would see the city that I live in destroyed simply for the terrible "crime" of harboring me and mine.

Love is not something that is backed by fire and blade, threats and hatred. Love does not demand that someone leaves their path and turns their back on that which they themselves love. Love does not blindly reject.

Love supports. Love gently guides. Love seeks to understand. Love demands respect and caring that I simply do not see from you and yours where I am concerned.

And even if your gods do not agree with your citizens rather obvious stance in all this, and look down upon such attrocities as the burning times... They still stand by and do nothing while their followers bring war against us and look down upon all that we stand for.

Claim that your gods love you all you wish. But do not have the audacity to claim that they love me.


An Occultist of Ashtan.

Penned by my hand on the 5th of Glacian, in the year 664 AF.

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