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Public News Post #19555


Written by: Mazzington, Warden of the Wood
Date: Thursday, October 16th, 2014
Addressed to: Everyone

Recent statements by both Hashani and Dark Walkers alike are nothing more than a clever façade meant to entice and intrigue. There is no salvation within the Darkness, and no freedom or peace of mind. The Crown has proven time and time again that it will never be recognized for any more than what it is ? a blight upon the Ithmia.

It is fitting, and perhaps wise, that your Keeper stresses that you need not match your opponents on the battlefield. As is common knowledge the world over, Hashan lacks even the most basic necessities needed to defend itself. The Hashani army is non-existent. Even Grand Father Jacen himself, the Minister of War, is routinely thwarted by Scouts of the Eleusian Army like myself.

Furthermore, one of the only reasons Hashan itself has not been wholly dismantled and reclaimed has been consistent interference from the two western city-states, who always seem to have an especially keen eye for whenever our troops happen to be in your city. When there is no support from other, more powerful city-states, Hashani citizens are glad to cower in the most remote corners of their city or leave altogether.
Even the Dark Walkers largely refuse to defend their shrines of their Lord, which my associates and I have defiled into the ground continuously. If they cannot even defend themselves and their shrines properly it is difficult to see how the Dark Father and his underlings will keep the Darkenwood steeped in shadow, let alone usher in a new age of Darkness.

And to the Crown of the Ithmia:

If you wish to ever become something more than a blight, you had better move quickly. Spring is thawing out, and soon it will be Summer once again.

In service of Nature,
Mazzington, Warden of the Wood

Penned by my hand on the 22nd of Sarapin, in the year 667 AF.

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