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Public News Post #19557

The Coming of the Night

Written by: Grand Father Jacen Caedus
Date: Friday, October 17th, 2014
Addressed to: Everyone

Wood Warden Mazzington,

Your views are understandable, but mistaken. You exhibit the classic traits of a mind still chained to this mundane existence, writing of the lack of strength in Hashan's military as if it were evidence against the Darkness itself.

Know this, Sapience. Darkness is all encompassing, covering time itself as much as it contains the space around us. Even at the Genesis, when Darkness was all there was, It had been for time immemorable, and will remain forever. The Crown continues to stand as a testament to the endurance of Darkness, despite the weakness of mortals.

Now, the moment of the beginning of the Awakening has arrived. The time has come for His children to do His Great Work. To open the eyes and ears of mortals. To enlighten the masses, such that they may shed their bonds to the corrupt institutions that seek to contain and oppress the mind.

The Night progresses. Our soldiers take to arms to defend our beliefs, even to raid the Village to proclaim the Truth! Hashan is not yet a military powerhouse, yet we are oceans away from our former, feeble selves, and with each engagement we continue to grow. The Village's aggression against the Crown has birthed a movement that grows stronger each day. Hashan is rising, and one day soon will be a force to be reckoned with.

Awaken, Sapience! Cut loose the ropes that bind you to the mundane! Rise, and embrace the Darkness!

Penned by my hand on the 20th of Daedalan, in the year 667 AF.

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