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Public News Post #19596

Some things are worth fighting for

Written by: Brazen Sentry Bronislav Zviera
Date: Sunday, December 7th, 2014
Addressed to: Void Carnifex Jinsun Ze'Dekiah, Twin-born Assassin


Fundamentally, beyond your transgressions against me and mine, I bear you no ill will - you speak with a bold conviction, and you are well-versed in the art of murder, so you are worthy of some amount of respect. However, I must disagree with you, as I fundamentally disagree with the Divine Order that you have embraced wholeheartedly.

Creation - and I mean this in the loosest sense, to avoid too much criticism from those who would otherwise agree - is enduring. To see this, one need simply look around one's self to see the work that has withstood the test of time. Lord Phaestus and Lord Proteus had forged all that we have ever known, from the very earth you walk upon to the very foundation of self that you have applied to argue against it. Such acts of creation are driven by passion and are more fulfilling, more meaningful, than any act of destruction could ever be. I know this, because I have seen and felt it for myself: whether it is through those who labor under Lord Phaestus' Order, or through the Scarlattans who have inspired such beauty that is worthy of fighting - and dying - for.

You will note that, in two decades' time, the destruction of shrines that you and yours so proudly claim as a victory for oblivion will be as if it had never occurred. As surely as murder strengthens the Soulbleed and destruction encourages chaos, the act of creation empowers this world in ways that chaos could never begin to touch. You are correct in pointing how the human race - indeed, every Serpent that shares a heritage to Loki and Ekanel - was spawned from a chaotic act; and yet, the former has become a race that has added to this world, and the latter has become an ancient heritage that has tied itself as an integral part of every city in Sapience.

Every attempt to reign destruction upon the fabric of creation - whether it has been a shrine, or a city, or a people - heralds an emulation of Lord Phaestus and Lord Proteus at the beginning of time: lone figures sweep away the destruction and, brick by brick, create something new. Chaos becomes the fog in the mid-day sun. The most beautiful part of this is that anyone can enrich this world, from the mightiest Goddess to the weakest pauper. You, Jinsun, Murderer and Void Carnifex, could embrace this world and leave behind a legacy that would bolster all that has ever made this world beautiful simply by adding to it rather than taking it away.

The tragedy of it is that you won't. You can't - it's not just your hands coated in red, it's every ounce of you. You've spilled so much blood that you're swimming in it, choking on it, drowning in every measure that you and yours have taken from decent people, more than any Divine fire could burn or any Truth could justify. To acknowledge that you are mistaken, that chaos could be pushed back by one simple act of creation at a time, would break you in ways that even I couldn't imagine. It's easier to shrug your shoulders and hasten an unlikely end, because pretending that a freedom from morality makes you a better person is the only justification you have left for your conscience.

You are a great man whose legacy will be, 'He waited for the Perfect End, until Lord Thoth took him.' I feel so sorry for you, and I would urge you to reconsider. So long as a single being exists to clear the rubble and begin anew, your toils are folly.

My Kindest Regards,
Bronislav Zviera

P.S. My most sincere apologies to Lord Vastar for invoking the 'F' word.

Penned by my hand on the 14th of Aeguary, in the year 671 AF.

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