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Public News Post #19612

Re: On being a good person

Written by: Eminent Master Draqoom Van Helsing, Iron Fist
Date: Monday, December 29th, 2014
Addressed to: Traveller Kerith Dawyn

Greetings Traveller Kerith,

I would like to clarify something that you and possibly many people think about Targossas and how good people can be deemed as enemies.

While being a good person is commendable and is highly valued in most cities and by most people across Sapience, it does not make for a good Targossian. A good Targossian is not necessarily a good person, they do not necessarily seek to be kind hearted to individuals, to share tea with people over a good book and a soft word. Some of us are not what the world would define as 'good' people, however what sets us apart is our dedication to Good.

Good is the unwavering mission to protect Creation, promote Growth and cleanse Creation of the taint of Chaos, Evil and Darkness, in all forms without question, without obstacle, no matter what. If I need to strike down a friend, ally, or even family know that I will because it must be done for Good. For Creation. For you and your friends to have a future free of the shackles of opression, free from the lies and twisted truths of Darkness, and free from the ever encroaching tide of Oblivion due to the presence of Chaos within our world.

Yes, Lauria and Caoimhaen are good people, but they are not Good people and because they chose to stop being Good people, they were enemied to the Dawnspear.

It is my sincere hope that this helps to enlighten you and any other who might be confused.

In service,
Eminent Master Draqoom Van Helsing, Iron Fist

Penned by my hand on the 16th of Mayan, in the year 672 AF.

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