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Public News Post #19617

A thought or two

Written by: Delias
Date: Monday, December 29th, 2014
Addressed to: The City of Targossas

For the leadership,

Perhaps it is worth some consideration to think about reconciling 'good' with 'Good'? I realised that 'good' comes with it some inconveniences and some dilemma. But aren't these obstacles the catalysts for Growth, especially Growth for the individuals within your faction? Are they not the structures that demand depth and subtlety? Perhaps if such reconciliation is made, less of your citizens will feel the emptiness behind the banner they fight for(not that I know if many of your citizens felt as such except for a recent departer). Perceptually, your fight is a long one with no clear result in the horizon. Few feel the urgency you espoused. Some of your own people probably need to express some in-the-heart values in order to exist with meaning.

Lastly, zealotry brings to those who come in contact with its sword, feelings of -oppression and suffering-. Distinguishing your own banner from the western one, will surely be a great blow to the teachings of Evil. Afterall, Evil(as a philosophy) doesn't care who spreads its influence as long as they do. A movement towards traditional 'good' values will form a strong antithesis of western values for they are in direct opposite. Thousands on the lands who fear or live under the yoke of oppression and suffering will surely rejoice at the forming of such a force!

My two sovereigns,

Penned by my hand on the 23rd of Mayan, in the year 672 AF.

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