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Public News Post #19621


Written by: Micaelis Bayt al-Azhan, Sefyric Prince
Date: Tuesday, December 30th, 2014
Addressed to: Everyone

I feel as if this...debate...has somewhat muddied the waters as to the true vision of Targossas and the Bloodsworn Themselves. There is no use attempting to define "good" and "Good" for they have already been defined by Those anointed sovereign on the subject. Upon the creation of Targossas there was a mass exodus by certain individuals to certain cities for they felt as if the Bloodsworn's vision for Creation was too zealous, or did not confine itself neatly into their preconceived notion of "Good". Relative good had been defined and discussed prior to the creation of Targossas, with a specific focus from the Deacon at the time, Bahtell Muk'tar. There is no confusion between Good and good, what you are thinking of is Good and nice. The First Axiom of Righteousness states, "Above all else, Creation must be safeguarded." No other goal exists other than this, and anything that stands between the eventuality of this step and our current position must either be destroyed or bypassed. We ask for the entirety of our citizens' mind, body, and soul for the literal destruction or perversion of the entire populace of Sapience is at stake. While we realize these efforts may not be appreciated by many and outright despised by some, we can do nothing less but march. Most enjoy the fruits of Creation, some welcome the end of Creation or its ultimate perversion at the hands of Evil and Darkness, and fewer still seek to truly protect it. We are these few, and no amount of daisies or ice cream cones will quicken this state of Paradise.

We recognize not all are fit to defend Creation, nor want to. Some may bear grudges due to this, as it's a normal mortal reaction, but I believe you'll find the majority of Targossians quite neutral on the subject. We accept our vast responsibilities, and perform our duties with unmatched exuberance in most situations, but do not confuse our neutrality on outsiders lack of help for condonation. Those people who renounce the Bloodsworn's Will do so for what reason? The lack of a desire for bloodshed, a harsh and demanding code of conduct for our citizenry, and the inability to partake in idle chit-chat with self-proclaimed enemies of Creation? You'll find our expectations quite similar to those of any Army, though I imagine the marriage many believe to exist between Shallam and Targossas has somewhat jaded the general populace's mind towards the subject. We are not a traveling band of troubadours, or an assortment of statues sharing cupcakes upon Fish Street, we are warriors.

None have ever been enemied to Targossas or removed as citizens due to an attempt at conversion or a debate on theology, nor will anyone ever be. Do not be deluded that the sight of the Bloodsworn is so shallow as to not delve into the true intentions of Their followers' every word and deed, and rest assured any form of punishment handed down through Their servants was well-earned. Growth, as taught by Lady Aurora, often requires the removal of diseased parts of plants in order to allow it to grow unfettered. Caoimhaen, though attempts were made to continue what he knew to be a righteous mission, was similarly affected by such a disease. Though he fought it, as many will attest to, he was unable to remove the corrosion of his spirit. This is irrelevant to any good deed he may have performed, or any good intention he may have had in his heart. But as Mathonwy alluded to a good number of those swearing service to the Bloodsworn and Creation come from heretical backgrounds and have committed heinous crimes in Other's names, myself included. There is always hope, however, for such citizens as the Herald of Redemption are aptly named: Any and all, including Caoimhaen and Lauria, may find their way into the graces of the Bloodsworn once more as long as the protection of Creation remains at the forefront of their minds.

The Light never fails to lead, but will you follow?

In Their service,

Micaelis Bayt al-Azhan

Penned by my hand on the 16th of Sarapin, in the year 673 AF.

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