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Public News Post #19629

Rangor's Folly

Written by: Rasul Father Bahtell Muk'tar, Ivory Apostle
Date: Monday, February 16th, 2015
Addressed to: Blackthorn General Rangor Corten, Guardian of Nature

Your coordinated attack against the visiting Dwarven labourers in the Dawnspear is an open act of terrorism against the City of Targossas, against The Bloodsworn, and against Good itself.

Your rhetoric against the formation of Targossas is weakly formed, faulty logic, at best. You wish to fault the Bloodsworn for placing Their City at the mouth of the Zaphar and claim that They assaulted Nature. You wish to stymie the growth of a new city.

In fact your people complained at the very beginning our our settlement upon this new land, formed out of the firmament by the hands of The Bloodsworn Themselves. Your greedy, self-serving people sought to claim the land for their own, claiming it for Nature. They were summarily dismissed of course since it is clearly documented that this land was clearly formed by Their Divine will for the purpose of settling a new city devoted to Good.

This event happened 58 years ago. And I suppose you have fumed and conspired for all these years about how to respond. And this is your response? This is how you strike out?

With your logic, you should attack every city that lays claim to any location in Sapience. You would wipe Mhaldor from the firmament since they grew that foul island on the bones of Sartan. You would flatten Cyrene for having wiped out the forest for their own protection. You would take the offensive against Hashan for planting their city right in the middle of the Ithmia. But do we see this constant outwardly focused rage? No, we see a pitiful attack against a group of unarmed workers that cannot even call for support.

You have revealed the fascist and tyrannical nature of Nature.

We have long taught adherents of Good that Nature is not about the forests. It is about politics and power. Your attack has tipped your hand in that regard.

Would you rather impact the economy and trade that your villagers share with all of Sapience?

Would you rather that we consider this an act of war that you might fight a war on several fronts at once?

Would you rather that we consider this an act of the Order of Gaia that we might drain Her essence and power as we eradicate Her shrines from the realm?

Would rather see the forests stripped bare as war rages on?

It has not been so to this point. Do you care or is it war that you truly desire? For war can leave a far greater scar on nature as well as upon Nature itself.

The word that I hear is that this war is Rangor's War. Sure you have convinced a few to come along with you. But I can promise you that unless you turn from this path that it will come to be known as Rangor's Folly. Retribution will be repaid for any loss by the tens, by the scores, by the hundreds, should you continue in this folly.

For Good,
Rasul Father, Bahtell Muk'tar,
Ivory Apostle of the Harbingers

Penned by my hand on the 22nd of Glacian, in the year 676 AF.

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