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Public News Post #19632

A lesson on Nature

Written by: Seer Achimrst Van Helsing-Sar'vet, Etheric Shaman of Nature
Date: Tuesday, February 17th, 2015
Addressed to: Deacon Aodfionn Wintermourne, Sentinel of the Ivory Dawn

Coming from one whom doesn't believe spirits exist within his own city I am in awe of your lack if information regarding Nature. I cannot help but blame those in your city whom call themselves scholar or teacher. You speak to a few and to a division within Eleusis with the silk tongue of the finest of Darkwalkers, Deacon. Yet I write this to educate not to prattle on about the spirits confused within your city.

Nature is a significant part of creation, because it is the foundation of it. You simply see the mundane aspect of it and look to a tree to wonder why we are so angry it is cut down. You look at dirt upon the ground and wonder why we are so angry the plants have been uprooted. Nature is significantly more than you can see with your mundane eyes.

Nature is the hand which reaches into all things Spiritual to pull into it a creation of unique and divine purpose. Each tree you cut down is a unique object whose soul purpose was to continue this process. Wild is nature, ever changing, and unique. A purpose of which you could never understand yet I can attempt to help you. What you call divine fire used to purify, Nature needs no such fire. Natures purity is maintained by the law of the Wild things within it, the herbivore eats the plant, the carnivore eats the herbivore, the plant eats both and all are purified for use by Nature once more.

You cannot hope to ever see what Nature truly is with your eyes. I hope this can feed into you even a minute portion of the knowledge and purpose of Nature.

Seer Achimrst Van Helsing-Sar'vet, Etheric Shaman of Nature

Penned by my hand on the 4th of Mayan, in the year 676 AF.

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