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Public News Post #19634

Recent Events

Written by: Aldair d'Vast, Dawnlord of Targossas
Date: Tuesday, February 17th, 2015
Addressed to: The City of Eleusis


Today is a sad day. For Creation. For Good. For myself personally. And for you, Eleusis. About two months ago a group of nine Eleusians entered Targossas, slew a dwarven laborer and utilized his blood for a ritual within Their city. Your reasons for this, are your own but questions abound.

Why not utilize the blood of a willing sacrifice, thus increasing the potency of the ritual without the often unpredictable side effects of unwilling blood? Why conduct this business in Targossas? If Targossas is the only city one might find where a Nature ritual can successfully be performed it would seem the rhetoric about how unnatural we are might be a bit overstated. It seems unlikely Targossas would be chosen because our "crimes" against Nature are so much greater than say Mhaldor or Ashtan.

It seems it was more a matter of convenience. Eleusians have been welcome in our streets and little suspicion would arise from your presence, allowing you the ease to do that which you wished without the interruption of attacks. Sadly, that is no longer the case.

From this day forward, members of the village of Eleusis are not welcome on the streets of Targossas. Quite frankly, we can no longer trust you. Any trespass will be met with warning followed by enemying and forceful removal by the guards. Your Speaker has been provided the terms by which this state of affairs will be resolved.

It has been made clear in the past couple of months that many of you are indeed less than impressed with this turn of events and we would take that into account. Thus, for the individual villagers of Eleusis, you can gain the freedom of visiting Targossas without suspicion if such is your wish. If you denounce the actions of your fellows and the violation of the sovereignty of the Dawnspear, you may make your case to our Minister of Security and be granted parole.

It is truly saddening to see it come to this. So pointless and wasteful.

In Their service,
Aldair d'Vast

Penned by my hand on the 17th of Mayan, in the year 676 AF.

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