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Public News Post #19636

Prose and Cons

Written by: Greenthorn General, Seftin Azon, Sentinel Wolf
Date: Tuesday, February 17th, 2015
Addressed to: The City of Targossas

My dearest Targossas,

I will keep this quite short.
You scribe lots of words with very little thought,
You imply that Nature falls under your stead,
Yet cobble your roads and leave it all dead.
To state that you led within an order as proof,
To use that to assuage corruption is aloof.
The comments upon your chosen divine,
As heralds of Truth, Good and the Light,
Is nought but a concept that leaves us amused,
Your workers corrupt Nature and that is foolproof.
To state that you think us terrorists is quite droll,
That we strike such fear upon your citizens is not a heavy toll,
I understand that you?re scared that we targeted you,
Even though we?ve been at war with all cities bar two,
We will spread our beliefs to you streets and your beds,
Your shelter will crumble and leave you all dead,
This is a warning to all city states does apply,
Nature is returning to reclaim what is currently thine.
Your words will not cease this, Your actions for nought,
For Nature will return and destroy your ideals and thoughts,
It is not out of hatred nor of fear that we act,
But quite frankly because your city was an attack.
So ban us from shops and ban us from cities,
Show your true colours of fear,
And hide - such a pity.

Greenthorn General Seftin Azon

Penned by my hand on the 19th of Mayan, in the year 676 AF.

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