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Public News Post #19676


Written by: Draqoom Van Helsing
Date: Sunday, May 3rd, 2015
Addressed to: Seeker of Lore, Aminah

Dearest Aminah,

Though you feel offended or slighted in the ways in which your devotionw as stripped of you. Make no mistake that this was the end result all along.

You say that the 'crooked rays of Targossian Justice' have scorched you. I say show me how crooked these rays are? During my tenure as a Targossian citizen and leader, I can affirm that nothing has changed in their beliefs, nothing is 'crooked' in the manner in which justice is dealt. There are very clear parameters when it comes to the gifts of Devotion, as granted to us all by the Bloodsworn.

You do as the Bloodsworn decree in the name of the protection and cleansing of Creation and nothing less than that.

If you did not learn of the beliefs you were meant to uphold, this is only your fault. The information is there, it is plentiful and it is available to anyone who asks. The Diaspora was never meant to be an organisation to hold your hand on the path of Righteousness, it was there to instruct those that would ask, those that wished to fufill their duty to Creation through the gift of Devotion that they weilded in the name of and by the will of the Bloodsworn.

Devotion should never have been allowed to call home to any place outside of Their city. The fact that it was allowed is a testament to Their generosity and hope for mortalkind to mend their wicked ways. Consider this simply a correcting of Their mistake and move on.

All Devotion users call upon Devotion not because it is free to access to anyone, but because the Bloodsworn allow them to. Taking up this gift comes with a price, and that price was not paid.

But what do I know? I'm a filthy Heretic.

Draqoom Van Helsing, Iron Fist

Penned by my hand on the 3rd of Mayan, in the year 682 AF.

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