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Public News Post #19683

a true emetic

Written by: Void Carnifex Jinsun Ze'Dekiah, Twin-born Assassin
Date: Tuesday, May 12th, 2015
Addressed to: Aodfionn Wintermourne, Herald of Redemption


Long ago I tired of your zealotry and general toutery. This latest excretion is just another of corpse on the rotting pile of drivel that you shovel from the pits of that swamp you call a home.

Indeed, it was quite amusing to see Aldair opening the gates to Targossas, and welcoming everyone in after decades of oft unsolicited violence and a general follow or die attitude. Now, suddenly we are to come to you for respite and a cure? I pity anyone foolish enough to take such an offer. True death would be a boon as Sapience collectively could find some rest from the tired ramblings of a former Occultist who would be described as forgettable or absent at best.

The promise of mercy and cleansing in this time of "terror, fear, suffering and anguish" is merely an attempt to play up a containable condition and to capitalize on the fears of those who do not wish to suffer. Is this what you want in your fold? Servants beguiled into your veritably hysterical following by promise of a cure of fire? Do you honestly think Sapience that daft? Especially after your recent fiasco with Cyrene! Let us be honest. Call a glubber a glubber. Targossas and its dwindling band of religious marauders (I perhaps give you too much credit here) does not offer the world peace and comfort. You made quite clear your stance to... everyone who doesn't already conform to your ways.

That is why I always loved the Bastion. Strong. Confident. There is no hysteria here, no one is running about and screaming. We are taking this with stride. You also won't likely find a public outpouring of mercy and support for the continent. We are generally quite clear when we knock on your gates. When we carry a spear, we carry a spear. We do not expect our nurses to hide a dagger and smile at the dying. Your weakness and need to have sheep and relevance sickens me more than any plague. Oi, I am feeling positively nauseous just having stooped to point out your floundering.

Hoping not to vomit,
Jinsun Ze'Dekiah

Penned by my hand on the 23rd of Lupar, in the year 683 AF.

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