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Public News Post #19684

Try to keep your head above water. It is a swiftly moving current, this life.

Written by: Eminence Saeva Aristata, Lady Feral
Date: Tuesday, May 12th, 2015
Addressed to: Lord Vayne de Valois

And such a glorious gift it was! Thank you for your commission, Lord Vayne. However, you are a bit late to the party.

Charging forth unto the belly of the beast, select citizens of Mhaldor braved the treacherous unknown in search of knowledge and understanding as to what illness washed upon our eastern shores, hailing from the isle of Umbrin. This plague, an unfathomable pain of which the likes I had never physically known, was met head on.

As blood trickled forth from my mouth staining teeth red; spilling down the back of my throat to induce a projectile reaction, His Truths were ever on my mind. Should we perish to such a physical weakness, then perhaps we were not worth in mind or body to serve Evil and His call to Strength. As lucid thought evaded my ill-stricken mind, His praises were yet on my bloody red lips.

My thoughts darkened as decay crept upon my shivering, sweat soaked being. Perhaps my legacy would draw to an early end. The death looming in the eyes of my courageous brothers and sisters of Evil was unmistakable, yet the stalwart servants of Strength called unto our sickly minds and encouraged that we would fight this good fight and we would overcome.

And unto this glorious Suffering we submitted, but we did not perish. Rather, we lived beyond this plague to venerate our Master further! To marvel at what pain mortal-kind can truly endure and to break free of the bondage of fear so that we might approach greater understandings.

If you find yourself taken ill, Lord de Valois, Suffer gloriously. I'm sure Hashani Mariners will know exactly what to do to ensure your well-being.

May Suffering ever guide our paths,
Eminence Saeva Aristata

Penned by my hand on the 23rd of Lupar, in the year 683 AF.

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