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Public News Post #19685

A brief response.

Written by: Aodfionn Wintermourne, Herald of Redemption
Date: Tuesday, May 12th, 2015
Addressed to: Void Carnifex Jinsun Ze'Dekiah, Twin-born Assassin

Tiny humanoid,

I would suggest perhaps reading my post again -though, that might prove a little hard without your eyes.

As I said previously, the Harbingers do not offer a cure nor cleansing to the diseased. We merely offer to do our part in giving aid to the stricken, whomever they may be. We do this, because it is the Righteous course of action.

Despite the fact that your post was mostly illogical extrapolations and didn't much relate to anything I actually said, you do raise a good point; I am a mere mortal, a generally forgettable troll. why should anyone, given the situation with Cyrene, consider these words?

The answer, as with all things in Targossas, rests within understanding of Their teachings.

Good, as even you understand, is the force we serve above all others. Good, itself, is an absolute and unchanging force, tasked with the preservation of Creation and Growth therein. It is, despite the objections of many a sub-standard scholar, a force purely concerned with how to both ensure that Creation is protected from damaging forces, and to ensure that all sentient life has the opportunity to seek their own sustainable growth.

Our goal, as servants of this force, is to help achieve those aims - to help protect Creation from that which seeks to harm it, and to ensure that each mortal is given the chance to seek their own, sustainable growth. As Harbingers, specifically, hold Succour as one of our tenets - it is our role to reach out to aid the sick, to heal those who can be healed and give comfort to those whom are suffering. This sincere desire to help in this manner is one of the things that makes us Harbingers - where the Dawnblade dispense Their justice and the Luminai study Creation, it is the Harbingers of Redemption who are tasking with spreading Their mercy where we can. This action is not some con-job, but a truly sincere and serious expression of our faith. To be anything less would be heresy.

The Bloodsworn are beings capable of righteous fury and incredible mercy. To understand the actions of the Dawnspear or of any pious Targossian, one only need to better your understanding of Good, Light, and Fire.

I am a troll, a Harbinger, and an Aarashi. I am forbidden from deceit and dishonesty, and may Her fury strike me down if my offer of kindness is anything less than sincere. If that is not enough, I encourage you to speak to the Cyrenians with whom I had the privilege of meeting during my time with the Diaspora. I may have a long, long list of unpleasant qualities, Jinsun, but dishonesty and insincerity are not among them.

In service to Them,

Aodfionn Wintermourne
Herald of Redemption

Penned by my hand on the 24th of Lupar, in the year 683 AF.

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