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Public News Post #19692

The plague, and the disease.

Written by: Taraus Bravi'os
Date: Wednesday, May 20th, 2015
Addressed to: Everyone

A terror plagues the waters of Sapience.

That terror will be your salvation.

Beginning next month, we will begin the purge. All infected mainland harbours on the coasts of Sapience will be cleansed of the plague that has diseased our ports, and vessels.

Once the vats are burning, two days will the harbour undergo the cleansing process. Once begun, it cannot be interrupted, interfered with, stopped, nor hindered in any fashion. Vessels moving in and out of the harbour will not affect the process. Vessels docked in the harbour will not be affected by the process - it will not cure diseased ships, they will remain diseased until cured by candling or scuttling. Once the harbour is successfully cleansed, and healthy, it will remain protected from reinfection for a period of two months, but not beyond that. Any plague-carrying vessels that dock past that two-month period run the risk of reinfecting the harbour.

But even though we have the means to rid Sapience of this plague, a sickness still festers, and this one even more virulent and detestable.

The bulk of the Mariner's Guild, so-called "guardians of the seas", those valorous and upright individuals, have failed in their self-proclaimed duties. They have hidden in harbours, ensuring safety for themselves, and themselves alone. Most were unwilling to risk their ships, their crews, to fight for Sapience. They were unwilling to spend their coin, and their time, to arm themselves, and learn how to do what needed to be done. The efforts to bring together and unify ALL the captains of Sapience were met with resistance.

From the very beginning, the Mariner's Guild was rife with misinformation, and they continued to spread it. They were willing to deny and discard concrete fact and observation in favour of arrogance. They were too consumed with flinging insults in every direction -- both externally and internally -- too busy being selfish and self-serving -- too busy with petty bickering to do what needed to be done. They did, and do continue to, lie, both to outsiders, and each other. They have been frivolous with the usage of the precious cure, of which there is so very little -- including going so far as to sell it, to use it for personal gain - a level of profiteering not even the pirates would stoop to. The Mariners have secured at -least- fifteen tangles amongst them - three harbours' worth; how many do they actually still hold? And are they willing to share it with a continent in need?

There have been a precious few worthy individuals, both within and without, their ranks who have selflessly stepped up to aide the cause, alongside me and mine. Not only do they have my gratitude, but that of captains everywhere. They know who they are, and they will not be forgotten.

To the rest of Sapience - once the mainland has been purged of the plague, it will be your responsibility to keep it clean. If you have an infected vessel, then it is your duty to see it cleansed. You know who to contact if you need help. The waters northeast of Tasur'ke will remain violence-free. Those vessels anchored there will fly one of two flags -- an unmarked black flag will designate a plagued vessel awaiting a cure, an unmarked white flag will designate a vessel undergoing diagnostics, or a cure.

With the mainland cleaned, we will turn our focus to the outlying islands. Those who still wish to support the endeavour know who to contact. Those who attempt to stand in the way, or otherwise interfere, will be dealt with accordingly.

X - Captain T. Bravi'os, Pirate King
X - Captain K. Demaxx, Pirate Lord, Admiral of the Dread Navy of Ashtan
X - Captain R. I'llur, Pirate Lady, Admiral of the Mariners of Baelgrim

Penned by my hand on the 18th of Miraman, in the year 684 AF.

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