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Public News Post #19698

Creville Blight bounty increase

Written by: Druid Athelas
Date: Sunday, May 31st, 2015
Addressed to: Everyone

I'm glad to announce an increase on the bounty, for the resolution of the blight in Creville Asylum.

The bounty is now at 200,000 (two-hundred-thousand) gold.

If you've forgotten or simply can't be bothered to read the previous post on the subject, here are the conditions again:

To claim this bounty you have to:

1. Cause the blight to be lifted for a period of no less than four years. (The period here has increased due to the increased bounty)

2. Provide any and all information regarding how this was achieved, in minutest detail, to myself and the current leadership of Eleusis.

3. Allow me and any I deem fit, to observe you as you perform any tasks required to effect this change.

4. The tasks you perform may not harm any natural environment in any way for any amount of time.

Again, the bounty is immediately available. Held in escrow at the Eleusian Bank of Commerce.

And once more: A further 50,000 (fifty-thousand) gold sovereigns is offered, should you be able to prove positive evidence of what caused said blight.

Your identity will be held in the strictest confidence, should you require such.

This offer is open to any and all sentient beings.

Yes Wlor, I'm looking at you, I've been using a lot of stick on you so here's a carrot. Take it and go retire in a nice villa somewhere.

Druid Athelas.

Penned by my hand on the 18th of Aeguary, in the year 685 AF.

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