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Public News Post #19706

Crafters' Fair Amendments

Written by: Jurixe S. Nithilar
Date: Friday, July 17th, 2015
Addressed to: Everyone


After speaking to a wide variety of crafters, we have decided to make some amendments to the events in the Crafters' Fair.

The full list of amendments are placed upon posters in the Crafting Guild at Delos. It is -strongly- urged that all crafters, particularly for the fashion show, review the rules again as some categories have changed.

Relevant details are:

(1) A full outfit for the purposes of the fashion show consists of four [4] tailored items and three [3] jewellery items.

(2) All participants are entitled to ten [10] cart slots, which may be distributed over the three tradeskills. The slots are yours for the duration of the cart's life, and you may change the wares in your slots as you wish.

(3) All items for the fashion show and cooking competition must be brand new and never shown nor sold before the event.

(4) Participants for the fashion show and cooking competition do not have to be present at the fair itself as long as they are able to send in their creations beforehand.

Important dates:

Miraman 689AF - Fashion show pairings will be announced. You may still join after this date but if you require a partner, there is no guarantee there will be one. Those who are both tailors and jewellers will have no trouble.

Ero 689AF - Cooking competition entries will be closed and mystery boxes delivered. Remember that dishes must have their marks hidden to be eligible.

16/17 Miraman 691AF - Date of the actual Fair. Cart wares, fashion show and competition dishes will all need to be submitted to one of the Founders of the Asterian Restoration by this date, especially if you will not be present.

Fashion show designers should all contact Jurixe S. Nithilar in regards to their models and what they will need to do.

As an aside, the Restoration wishes to thank all participating crafters for the overwhelming response and enthusiasm towards the event, as well as for your well-wishes. It is our hope that with your assistance, this fair will be a success. If there are any that wish to contribute donations towards our work, they are always appreciated and can be accepted by any of the Founders: Ellodin Longshanks, Xer Savril, Ruth I'llur and myself.


Jurixe S. Nithilar
representing the Asterian Restoration

Penned by my hand on the 1st of Mayan, in the year 688 AF.

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