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Public News Post #19723

The Scions of the Ithmia

Written by: Kalexei Ta'sa, Knot of the Underwood
Date: Sunday, August 23rd, 2015
Addressed to: Everyone

Greetings Sapience.

As you are all aware the renaissance is drawing to a close, leaving in its wake a forever changed and more unified world for ages to come.

The Scions of the Ithmia and the Heartwood Kin have undergone some drastic changes during the time the village of Eleusis experienced her own renaissance. In this article I will do my best to expound on the differences the two houses have, while bringing to light the true focus of the Scions and dispelling many of the preconceived notions that many may have about this organization.

It is important to note that though both Houses of Eleusis bear many similiarities to our predecessors, we are completely separate entities with unique and more focused views on the natural world. As times have changed, and matters evolved, so too have we.

The scroll available to the general public states; "the Scions of the Ithmia are consumed by a single vision: to see the roots of Nature's influence spread throughout the known world."

In this statement lies the very basic ideology of the Scions and what our goal in this world is. It is with this mindset that we set forth into the world and do Nature's bidding.

Though it is true that all members of the forestal community are charged with the preservation and protection of the natural world, and that the Scions are not exempt from this charge--our focus is, primarily, to protect and expand the reaches of nature.

The House specialises in three main areas. Of course this is not by any means the only way we do things, but for the sake of conciseness I will illustrate said points.

Expanding the reaches of Nature:
Our job is to spread the Scion beliefs, which inturn, promotes Nature herself. With spiritualism and faith, ritualism and sermon, we protect and empower those that fight for Nature. We learn not to defend our own views, which is a trap so easily fallen into, but to explain them that an outsider may gain knowledge and understanding.

Violence, when and when not to use it:
As Scions we must exercise the wisdom to know when violence is necessary or if it would be wiser to stay our hand. Threats of physical harm must be defended. By being proactive when it comes to our enemies or those who act in ignorance, we display this tenet to those who would seek to encroach on what belongs to Nature.

Learning from the past:
To know where we are going, we must first understand where we have been as well as the world around us. With this knowledge we can learn from history and the various cultures around us, and utilize this knowledge to not only better ourselves as a whole, but to further our mission. By this type of expansion, one of the mind, our understanding of Nature and how best to serve Her becomes limitless.

It is in these foci that the whole comes together for Scions, and allows us to perform our duties with ease of mind that we are doing what is right for Nature. It is also what sets us apart, but also unifies us with the members of the Heartwood Kin. Together we strengthen the grasp Nature has upon our world.

Penned by my hand on the 2nd of Mayan, in the year 691 AF.

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