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Public News Post #19736

Derelict Gods of Creation

Written by: Forestwalker Achimrst Van Helsing-Sar'vet
Date: Sunday, September 6th, 2015
Addressed to: Klendathu, Ixteolotl Teotl


I sincerely believe you have no idea what I meant at all. You talk about my lack of understanding of the Skylord and Chaos then spout some dribble about the Rheodad. I appreciate your individual effort in speaking to those who have insulted you in some way. Yet, the trees of the Rheodad do not fall because the Skylord wishes them to. The forest has a harsh spirit and the trees know of their place in nature and accept their fate willingly sacrificing themselves so they may grow and spread across the land. While you consider your Lord to be the driving force behind this, the spirit of the forest would thrive with or without his storms. He is inconsequential to their needs and not some driving force for their continued existence.

I acknowledge that you have several different goals, I understand that there is a difference between a Nihilist and a demon infected by chaos, a chaos lord as you call it, just as there are many differences within nature and the spirits that you likely have little to no knowledge of. Why you think I think otherwise is beyond my comprehension other than to insult me. Yet I didn't speak of your goals at all, I spoke of the tragedy you see as your salvation, chaos, and you will never reach from your chains into the throes of Good or Evil. You will never truly know Darkness or Nature, you will always be reaching for an alien to creation. While you play with your infected demons and mad gods they will only ever be an infected creature of creation or a god derelict of duty to creation. So play with your toys and turn from creation Farethi along with your Lord and find the infinite nothingness as a slave to incomprehensible.

Achimrst Van Helsing-Sar'vet

Penned by my hand on the 23rd of Mayan, in the year 692 AF.

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