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Public News Post #19741

Correct place for a response

Written by: Ashelynne
Date: Thursday, September 17th, 2015
Addressed to: Aodfionn Wintermourne, Herald of Redemption


It is almost amusing, but mostly sad, that you could not create a retort wholly in line with its thematic start. You do realize your attempted rejoinder at the end of your short lived poetry was written on the poetry thread, yes? I am fairly certain that is not how it is intended to be utilized.

Now, let us forget the fact that my poetry was posted to no one in particular, given that I was attempting not to openly slander your name. You should try it sometime, oh ye with your perfect understanding of Good. My words must have embarrassed or upset you though, since your retort came rather quickly. Your open insults wouldn't happen to be in line with the ideals of vengeance, would they? No, they couldn't be... you are the Deacon of Celestia, after all, that would be unbecoming.

You are absolutely right, Targossas will be better off without me, because what good is someone who openly discusses the theological and philosophical quantifications of exactly what does not add up with Good's teachings? What good is someone who fosters a personal opinion or individual thought, rather than falling in line with the masses? Ironically, this is why I left. Perhaps what you are afraid of is the possibility that others may see and question the same inherent flaws that I did, despite how young or old they are. Perhaps, even you see them, and yet have made such a comfortablly fluffy seat for yourself - being Herald, Lumarch, and Deacon and all - that you don't want to give up your power. All of that is of course power that you could not find or did not have handed to you in your former walks of life.

I should like to mail you a dictionary, though, given your apparent confusion over what some particular words mean. Arrogant? Vain? Power hungry? While I understand these labels were your attempt at lashing out at me, they are quite inaccurate. If I had some inflated sense of self-worth, I would have drank down your constant comments of the fact that I would be Herald some day. In fact, if my supposed arrogant vanity were of any importance to me, I would have remained in the Harbingers as your appointed Apostle, biding my time until I got the power you are telling me I craved. Imagine my surprise at your saying these things, considering I gave up being your Apostle to start over in a House that didn't include you, my "familial" ties to you, power, or persuasion of any kind.

Those who have actually taken the time to get to know me, unlike the supposed father you were, know full well that my aims have nothing to do with your insults. You must wonder, though, why people simply leave without a word even if it means a permanent enemy status, being hunted, and insulted. When one takes the time to do things the right way, and are still subjected to insult and ridicule from you and others, it leaves a rather bitter taste in their mouth. If you are all that is good about Good, then I am glad I am open minded enough to look beyond the walls of Targossas to find answers for myself rather than blindly following.

I hold no ill toward a good handful of those who choose to linger in Targossas, nor do I short them their faith. Unlike you, I understand that everyone feels and hears their own calling. Unlike you, I accept that the need to have faith in something is important to some, but not all. But most of all? Unlike you, I understand that not adhering to or agreeing with everything you do and say does not make me a horrible person, it makes me a conscious one.

Ashelynne S.

Penned by my hand on the 14th of Glacian, in the year 693 AF.

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