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Public News Post #19765

Nature's motive

Written by: Anatral Winterhart, Oneawha
Date: Friday, October 23rd, 2015
Addressed to: Father Halos Vorondil, Caefir Prelate


Your personal attack on the ex-aegean notwithstanding, your ignorance of the motives of Nature is troubling. Furthermore, your use, and indeed invention, of the word theologaster is even more so.

Extending the reach of the natural world is an odd way to phrase Nature's intent, in so far as She has one. Look around you, Prelate, everything you see is the natural world.

Death leads to rebirth, leads to growth. Competition for resources allows those naturally gifted to thrive, while the weak wither and feed the strong, allowing them to grow even more. Soon, they too will die, outmuscled by the young and vibrant, their passing marked by their withering benefiting the next generation.

Surely a Targossian, of all mortals, should recognise this cycle. Though it strikes me that Mhaldor may recognise elements of themselves here, also. The lie of Chaos is no more than a willing refusal to comprehend the cyclical nature of Nature, and that entropy, though admirably longsighted is no more than a single leaf in the greater wreath of existence.

I have no quarrel with you, your city, your Gods, or your ideals, be well about them, you and I once fought side by side against the creature. I offer myself as a debating partner should I find time during my busy schedule of shrub love, nude tree dancing and bark tea - all of which are thoroughly enjoyable, and entirely Natural.

Nature First,
Anatral Winterhart, Oneawha

Penned by my hand on the 16th of Chronos, in the year 696 AF.

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