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Public News Post #19802

A few questions.

Written by: Aodfionn Wintermourne, Herald of Redemption
Date: Monday, February 1st, 2016
Addressed to: The City of Ashtan

Hail the Dawn, Northerners.

I find myself quite thankful to those who reached out to speak with me in regards to my previous missives. Even if we do not necessarily share the same views, that we are willing to help ensure some measure of mortal growth is commendable. As well, your Archon Ascendant - in a classy move, as usual - decided to withdraw from the possibility of a debate, surely because he wanted to spare a simple troll such as myself a bit of mercy. I cannot imagine any other reason why the chosen agent of Chaos would not leap at the chance to both promote his newfound ideals and try to strike down the ramblings of a mere preacher.

Until such time as one of you see fit to chase the opportunity that Grandue so generously passed on for another to take, I pray that some of you might perhaps be willing to help me better understand a few things. Your newfound seminal document, this 'Key of Chaos' or something to that effect, is a puzzling and seemingly illogical read. Perhaps you can help shed some light on the subject.

Let's start with the Canticles.

The first states that "there is no power but Chaos in all the planes of the multiverse."

This seems an odd thing to say. It seems to stand in stark contradiction to the words of the Creator on what He made manifest in His original form, and seems to be run quite counter to common sense. Have we all not seen the influence of powers in this world? Other planes? While we all hold true to the belief that whatever forces guide our life are clearly superior to all others, to state that any of these forces exists exclusively is nonsensical.

Nature exists, here and across many plans of existence. Evil exists, as it has since the Malevolent One was originally willed into being. Good exists, Creation's defense mechanism from the earliest moments. Darkness, too, has existed and been felt by mortalkind since before our first ancestors arrived into being. Chaos is certainly a force of great power, yes, but to state it is the -only- power is simply absurd.

What logical man can agree to this, when it is so plainly contradicted by the sum of mortal experience? This, I seek to know.

Some of the other Canticles - four ("the world began when Maya called out into the void. For when she named the nameless, the world began to break. And in its breaking, it began in truth") and five ("through the labours of Pazuzu, the worlds came alive with Entropy and Discord") - speak to fallacies that I spoke upon in my previous missives to your city. I would urge you again to look at the simple facts of reality around you and ask yourself, why should you follow Chaos?

Speaking of, the third Canticle seems a little bit extreme and curious in its wording - "there is no master but Chaos."

What motivation is there for blind, obedient service to Chaos? Why would a mortal be tempted to throw away their freedom and their opportunities for growth?

"Together, the Court and Ashtan are now undertaking the great works that
will precipitate the beginning of a new age known as the Dominion of

As the age of the Dominion of Chaos begins, Glaaki will offer ascension
to every Ashtani who wishes it. Just as in days of old, the Chaos Lords
ascended certain of their demonic and undead allies into the Court, so
then shall the citizens of Ashtan be raised."

That's mind-boggling. Truly, the Chaos Lords are offering you not strength, not even continued existence, but the *chance* that you *might* be elevated to be one of their underlings?

This seems illogical, especially when viewed through the lens of Ashtan's historical ties to freedom - and the great value which much of the population still places upon it.

Your city is being throttled, Ashtan, in ways that even Servelan likely could not have imagined possible. Your traditional ideals of democracy are on the way out, as you are well away. The Chaos Lords will continue to take greater and greater say in your affairs. And each day, you will see your freedoms lost as your shackles to the Chaos Lords grow stronger.

I do not know who will respond to this missive, or if I will receive any response whatsoever. But for those of you reading, who one day down the road may see the desecration of their city. Who may one day feel the despair that comes from serving a role that even Mhaldorian slaves would view as one-sided against your favour. Who may one day simply want out.

I cannot promise you salvation, as that is solely up to the mortals who seek it - but I can promise you that if the day ever comes where you come to understand what the Court is truly doing to your history, to your people, to your ideals, there is always a way out. Service in Targossas may not be for everyone, but I do know that the Harbingers will forever be ready to help cleanse the taint of Chaos from any who simply wish to seek their own path in life, free of corruption.

May the Light and Fire lead, Northerners. We will be ready when the day comes.

In service to Them,

Aodfionn Wintermourne
Herald of Redemption

Penned by my hand on the 24th of Chronos, in the year 704 AF.

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