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Public News Post #19805

A response

Written by: Nemesian Corbeaux al-Aqrab, Sectator of Dissidence
Date: Monday, February 1st, 2016
Addressed to: Aodfionn Wintermourne, Herald of Redemption

Hail, Lumarch.

Odd, you say? Nonsense!

It is pertinent to bring up that which is continually practiced, whether it is by a different name or not. The mission of the forces of Good has always been, in theory if not in practice, about preserving Creation in one form or another. And, of course, the rest of these lands have a vivid, well-defined view of what you speak of when you mention the word purify. From persecuting other religions over the last millenia, to destroying the ramparts of the weakest city-states, there is not much difference from one of your civilisations to the next - besides, perhaps, the location from which you choose to wage your wars of peace and growth.

The realisation that not-being is better than being is not one which is easily conveyed by words. You know this, having been a pupil of such long ago. However, it is written, should this be cause for mourning and despair? Certainly not! For as wonderful as the world was in its first moments, more wonderful again shall it be in its last. Imagine, if you are able, what it means for all things to be nothing. Imagine what it means for you, and for all people. For when all things are nothing, each thing is every thing, as it has been said by those with wisdom. We all will share in a perfect connection that transcends every paltry ambition of the love and community for which so many pine.

When the world ends, you will have the power of all the gods, the knowledge of all the scholars, the virtue of all the priests, and the joy of all the hedonists. Moreover, you will have the strength of all the mountains, the swiftness of all the rivers, and the beauty of every rainbow, sunset, and dewdrop that has ever been. You will have these things not just as possessions, but as inherent and absolute qualities of your very being. Such is the manner of enlightenment and ascension. No, former pupil of Nihilism, there is no giving up. On the contrary, I find these truths to be very comforting, and worth spreading of such hope. Cast off your shackles and live!

Attempting to purify Creation, and we all know in what manner you tend to purify others, is largely an exercise in futility - much as it is imagining any reality in which the forces of Good have triumphed! What a bleak dream indeed! Lord Ayar and all manner of Gods have attempted to and ultimately failed to halt the forces of Entropy and Discord. What meagre mortal effort can stop that which the Logos cannot? I cannot speak to what my fellow citizens in the Bastion agree with - after all, they are not forced into a religion as your congregations are. I have only spoken to what I would prefer, and I would assume, any other nations that do not submit to your definition of purification.

Also, if you believe that the Bastion stands for Freedom and democracy, or ever did, I can also lend you a number of volumes on the subject. Perhaps we might join hands together and rid ourselves of the 500s era thinking, as you aptly termed it. Unless of course you still practice the book burnings of decades past - I do not know, please do inform me if so. I would hate to waste the ink!

May Entropy and Discord ever triumph,

Corbeaux al-Aqrab
Priest of Lord Babel

Penned by my hand on the 11th of Glacian, in the year 704 AF.

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