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Public News Post #19807

A response

Written by: Aodfionn Wintermourne, Herald of Redemption
Date: Friday, February 5th, 2016
Addressed to: Nemesian Corbeaux al-Aqrab, Sectator of Dissidence

Hail the Dawn once more, Priest of the Flame-Bright Spear

You raise a good point about Ashtan. Indeed, it is correct that it never has truly been about Freedom. But many beyond your walls - and even a fair number within them - did believe the line. But why, then, did Freedom become the rallying cry of the Bastion if it was never sincere?

It started off as a simple tool of self-preservation and public relations - and an admittedly brilliant one, at that. In the years after the Burning Times, and King Martin's embrace of many former cultists, your ancient predecessors needed a way to cement themselves within the culture of Ashtan; for Ashtan was their sole source of protection from the then-mighty Church. And so, in an effort to appeal to the masses whom otherwise might scorn their presence, Servelan - among others - brought forth the cry of 'Freedom!'

Rather than view the Occultists as leeches upon a society that stood no true benefit in keeping them, the people of Ashtan believed it. Servelan's proclamations have proven to be some of the most unfortunate lies ever told, as Ashtani continued to see that they have been deceived by their overlords.

You, of course, and all of those whom have so much as had the Mark of the Twin upon them, know this to be nonsense. The leadership of Occultists and chaos-worshippers has never had the interests of freedom or liberty in mind; only power and security. The Enchiridion notes this, and the Key makes no note of rights or freedoms. You speak, in an attempt to deceive, of the divine power we will wield. What you neglect to mention - likely because the Enchiridion explicitly tells you to try to manipulate the public into not paying much attention - is that we will have 'the power of the Gods' only so far as to say that neither we nor the divinities will exist, therefore leaving us with a technically equal amount of power in our non-existence.

Now, as you can imagine, the prospect of our entire world being destroyed - and us with it - is a less than ideal scenario. You claim that the ancient Church was barbaric in their methods, and yet endorse the complete and utter genocide of all the mortal races? You claim that our generally non-violent methods of cleansing (not to be confused with common warfare, as I needn't remind you) are somehow beneath you, and yet you endorse the eradication of all life?

In spite of your contradictory beliefs and your desire for purposeless destruction, Good yet remains as the force that will act as Creation's safeguard. Indeed, while the Shallamese worshipped the mortals-turned-Gods alongside the Betrayer in their misguided attempts to understand Good, we are fortunate to have the Bloodsworn to guide us along the path towards the salvation of all mortalkind.

That path, if you do not abandon the spreading of Chaos in the lands, ends in your ruin as the rest of the world thrives. It does not have to be so - for the Harbingers of Redemption will be ever ready to cleanse your body in Their Light and Fire, that you may be able to realize your fullest potential without the taint of Chaos corrupting your very being.

May the Light and Fire lead, priest. We shall never fail to follow.

In service to Them,

Aodfionn Wintermourne
Herald of Redemption

Penned by my hand on the 19th of Daedalan, in the year 705 AF.

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