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Public News Post #19839

The Unforgiving Troll

Written by: Not Ryldagh Valeth, Spawn Slayer
Date: Monday, April 18th, 2016
Addressed to: Sir Exelethril Everfall, Gaian Knight


I can't help but wonder what you have against rats. Why is it that having rats in a city makes you filthy or unclean. For that matter, one has to wonder why the city of Eleusis has no rats at all.

Rats, being as much a part of nature as flying cheetahs, earthquakes, forest fires and mouthy people, aren't actually filthy creatures. They're loyal, kind and oddly clean.

I do, as a result, find it somewhat suspect that a city that seeks to embrace nature would have a distinct lack of these rodents within their boundaries. Have you hunted them to extinction within your walls, in an effort to deny a side of what you seek to support? For that matter, why have you not renounced your umpteen million doors that litter your city? I doubt the trees that they were fashioned from appreciate the irony.

Honestly, if the stones that our cities are built of are raping nature of her natural majesty, then how is it that your own citizens employ the same mining crews as the rest of sapience, and get the same stone as the rest of us to keep up with city upkeep. I daresay with how much stone and steel you must go through in a year, you've desecrated the wilds just as much as the next guy.

But what would I know?

Dawn shine on you all

Penned by my hand on the 7th of Sarapin, in the year 711 AF.

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