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Public News Post #19842

Delos Alterations

Written by: Aktillum Rousseau, Retired Maniacal Despot
Date: Wednesday, May 4th, 2016
Addressed to: Phileo, the thug boss

Dear Phileo,

It has come to my attention - well, that's a bit of an exaggeration, as rarely do things "come" to my attention these days. Nobody thinks of forwarding important matters to a former CIJ House Leader. Let me start anew. I have recently found out that you have made some alterations to the island of Delos. Fantastic! I do enjoy changes. Progress is the gear that turns the wheel. Is that right? I've never been one for engineering. I once tried to make a sling-shot and through error of design, nearly put my own eye out.

Now, even though I enjoy progress, it appears part of your progress involved abducting two carnival workers. Namely, our Duckie Wheel operators. Your reason for doing this, as you stated, was because we did not "pay" for the right to operate the Duckie Wheel. I hope you will accept my sincerest apologies for the slight against your...ahem...organization? We were never aware of a criminal syndicate to whom tribute must be paid before constructing arguably the greatest attraction in Sapience.

I am sure you are a reasonable man. You are a man, right? I'm assuming Phileo is a male name. My apologies if you are a female, you know some names can be quite ambiguous regarding gender. I mean look at names like Rangor, Exelethril, Seftin..hardly masculine, if you ask me. A strong, macho name like "Aktillum" leaves no doubt.

In any case, assuming you are a reasonable man, or woman, or genderfluidous person with a disdain for categorical pronouns, I'm sure we can come to some sort of agreement. That would be the gentlem...wo...person thing to do.

Patiently awaiting your ransom letter,
Aktillum, the Retired Maniacal Despot

Penned by my hand on the 9th of Miraman, in the year 712 AF.

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