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Public News Post #19847

Festival of Dawn - Riddle Quest

Written by: Tesha al Ashtad
Date: Saturday, May 14th, 2016
Addressed to: Everyone

Greetings, Sapience,

In celebration of the Festival of Dawn, I have prepared a chain of riddles for you all to enjoy. These riddles will lead you all over Sapience as well as Meropis. Take this opportunity to take in all the beauty within Creation, and remember all that the Bloodsworn have done for us. If you wish to participate on this journey even though you are an enemy, you may choose to do so.

Everywhere that you are directed to go, you will find an etched acacia cube. TOUCHing the CUBE will give you your next clue - then simply find the next one!. You will want to remember the locations that you find the cubes in, and the precise order of these locations - they are what you will submit to me on a letter when you complete the chain. For example:

North of New Thera
Approaching Targossas
Gates of the Gauntlet

Follow that format for each of the rooms you find a cube in. The order is important, starting with the very first. If a problem arises with the cubes, I will post once more with updated instructions.

There will be prize thresholds for every 20% of the riddle quest completed. The quest will be open as long as the cubes are there - if all goes well, they will last another ten months or so. If you do not finish in time, send what you have when the riddle quest is closed, and you will receive partial credit if you qualify.

That said, let's begin! Here is your first clue:

If you're playing for keeps you're playing to win. Cross outside the city to where your journey will begin. This is a free one without any codes - simply start by the crossroads.


In service of the Bloodsworn,
Tesha al Ashtad

Penned by my hand on the 11th of Sarapin, in the year 713 AF.

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