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Public News Post #19867

To Oblivion

Written by: Reznik
Date: Monday, July 11th, 2016
Addressed to: Everyone

Greetings, Sapience.

This post is addressed to Oblivion.

For many years, we have been bitter foes. Our personal differences have led to an unacceptable level of conflict between us. My personal beliefs differ from those of Nihilism, but I am a worshiper of Chaos all the same.

Our values are very similar. We examine the fabric of reality itself and warp it to fit our needs and bidding. We strive to learn of the primordial forces that both empower and erode creation, and to control them.

We disagree only on the conclusion of Chaos theory.

I am ambivalent to your goal of Oblivion. I have a rational self interest in survival, but I believe that the time scale in which Oblivion will occur eclipses my lifetime.

I was disappointed that Nihilism was so different from what followers of Babel had believed before His return. With the sudden castigation I faced from a group I had worked and bled for since its infancy, I let my anger get the better of me. I have acted and spoken against you, and you and yours against me, and it has not served any greater purpose than spite.

I certainly bore a grudge, and I was not shy about it.

But I have let go of my anger and spite towards Oblivion. I have my beliefs, and you yours. I will support the causes of Chaos and leave Oblivion to the Nihilists.

I believe I have much to offer Ashtan and the Court. For centuries, I worked for the betterment and advancement of Ashtan, the Occultists and Chaos. When a young Mhaldor kidnapped Lord Danaeus as part of the founding of the Apostates, I hunted the transgressors in the field along with my Occultic brethren. I cut ties with friends and family alike to infiltrate the Church in order to retrieve vital information about the Chaos Taint. I was the last Ashtani to summon the Spawn of the Unnamable horror.

Furthermore, I have done a great deal to advance the cause of Oblivion in particular. I defied Lady Eris directly in Her presence to speak of Lord Babel when no one else but Grom would. I was a founding member of the cult that would, centuries later, become the Order of Oblivion - and I was a founding member of the Order as well. As a leader I protected the rights of cultists of Lord Babel to organize and speak freely and kept the peace between followers of Chaos with conflicting views.

I'm not saying that your Order or Lord Babel owe me anything. I did all of this because I thought it brought about the greatest benefit. What I _am_ saying is that I am a stubborn, capable and proud individual with considerable experience and talent to bring to the table. That I am quite capable of working amicably with even those with views different from my own for the greater "good."

I believe that my track record with your Faith is testament to this.

I seek forgiveness for my actions against Lord Babel and the Order of Oblivion. I let my anger consume me, and I did regrettable things.

But it's been what, a century and a half?

I want to get back to work. It is work your Order and Master will benefit from, regardless of whether or not I believe as you do.

Let us at long last bury the hatchet. Let us delight in our common love of Chaos and Discord. Let us work together to shape this world to suit our whim and bidding.

Let Chaos reign.

Father Reznik Saer'rac

Penned by my hand on the 16th of Phaestian, in the year 717 AF.

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