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Public News Post #19900

The Black Wave

Written by: Nemesian Gamoneterik Sar'vet, Sectator of Antagony
Date: Wednesday, October 19th, 2016
Addressed to: Everyone


Though these words will most probably fall on blind eyes,
Let me propose a few questions.

If a non-member of the coallition were to ask a moccosin snake, lying wait in the leaf trap of Qurnok Village, to lay down his fangs and focus on the common enemy, what might the response be?

If a member of the coallition were to decree to a common dwarven miner, picking away at the Siroccian Mountains, that they must join a clan lest the offer of unity become the veiled threat of Death be upon them, what might the response be?

I would think that a snake will attack anyone it perceives as an enemy, and that dwarves are not known to pause their mining efforts to respond to such speech.

I think both these denizens, and all their family, will not fair well under the a world enslaved by the Tsol'teth.

If Gattan'bahar says the word "Die" in front of a member of the coallition, they die.

If Gattan'bahar says the word "Die" in front of a non-member of the coallition, they die.

I don't care for your petty comebacks about my weak station in life or my inability to combat you well. Blind eyes will not see what I am saying. Those who truly understand the threat will see what I am saying.

You will find me in The Tide, doing the best I can to push it back. I am quite sure the vapours do assist my enemy the Tsol'teth. I am quite sure I see progress against them when I focus on fighting it.

In service,
Gamoneterik Sar'vet

Penned by my hand on the 19th of Lupar, in the year 725 AF.

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