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Public News Post #19901

Breaking down the Meld Shrines

Written by: Ahura Patroklos, Puia Kaitiesa
Date: Monday, October 24th, 2016
Addressed to: Everyone

To all individuals of Sapience,

We can now fight the fog and the Meld Shrines effectively! The process is relatively painless, can be quick, and most importantly, can be done with minimal interference from the creatures of the fog. Once per month, you may UNWIND a SHRINE to release a shadow from it. This means only those whom do not have shadows should actually unwind, otherwise you are trading one shadow for another and no progress will be made. Eventually there will be no more shadows to remove, and on attempt you will see that 'That shrine is already unstable enough as-is.'. Which means you should allow the fog to release a creature. Once that creature is killed, the Shrine will fall, and all the fog in the area will be cleared. You may only do this action once per month, not per Serenade.

To break it down:
1) Someone devoid of their shadow will UNWIND SHRINE. (This costs no balance or equilibrium)
2) Repeat step one until no more shadows are released.
3) Allow a shadow creature to come out of the fog.
4) Once the fog creature is killed, the Shrine will fall.

Coordination is the key. Work together, and we can push this threat away and weaken the Tsol'teth hold on our world.

In Service to the Great Wrath,
Ahura Patroklos

Penned by my hand on the 16th of Sarapin, in the year 726 AF.

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